Sunday, April 7, 2013

Response to Articles

The four articles that I chose were:

1. "With 'angels' on her side, Newark principal fights for school's survival"
2. "Promise vs. Reality in Newark on Mayor's Watch"
3. "Unemployment in Black Cities: Newark, New Jersey"
4. "School Reform in Newark"

My analysis of these four articles has made me realize that it isn't enough for a group of people to be committed to changing their society for the better. In order to make improvements, the society as a whole has the responsibility of working together in order to make its community a better place. While culture may hold some people back from change, such as seeing other people of the same racial group not working and believing it is okay to do so, citizens of a community need to have the courage and strength to take risks in creating new ideals to make the place they live in better. I was bothered by one of the passages in"Unemployment in Black Cities: Newark, New Jersey"when it talks about one of the contributions to the two percent drop in unemployment is "the presence of numerous large white-collar employers such as Prudential Financial..." It seems as if this one section of the city is holding up and supporting the whole city. But, then when you try to ask what is going on? And, why can't education improve in the city, you run into situations such as those of in the article, "With 'angels' on her side, Newark principal fights for school's survival" where teachers want to teach their students, but cannot do so because of low educational fundings. Then, as in the article "School Reform in Newark" where teacher evaluation is being changed and looked over, I believe that it won't have much of an impact without fundings needed to support not only the personnel in the schools, but also the condition of the schools and materials necessary for education. So, it is not just the citizens of a city that can make change, leaders of a city need to work together as well in order for change to occur. If there is even a small group of people who disagree, such as in "Promise vs. Reality in Newark on Mayor's Watch" there will be setbacks and delay the process of change and improvement.

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