Friday, November 16, 2012

Descriptive Artworks

Students will create an artwork, using any medium and size, based on an excerpt from Frances Hodgson Burnett's "The Secret Garden." (pp. 74-75) Directions are purposely vague so that students will have the opportunity to use the excerpt to either create their own interpretations of the scene or create an artwork that is inspired by the excerpt. Not only intended to give students their own choice in artmaking and ideas, this assignment also helps students to practice responding visually to influentials things that they heard, saw, read, etc. Each student will then present his/her artwork to the class and explain the choices that he/she made with regards to the excerpt. It is important that students learn how to 1) be creative in coming up with ideas and responses to statements, opinions, etc. that exist in the world, 2) decide which medium (paint, markers, digital, photography, etc.) to use and how to use them, and 3) present and explain their ideas to the public in order to get affirmations, new ideas, opinions and inspirations. The audio of the excerpt can be found here: Descriptive Artworks: Excerpt

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