Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Flipped Lesson

Technology Lesson: Tutorials on Illustrator - to be used to create new logos

This lesson will be a part of the Company Creation Project that students will work on for fifteen weeks. After researching existing companies for their logos and purposes, students were asked to come up with their own company title, purpose and initial logo sketches. The next part is to use computer programs to digitize their company's identity and information.

Students are expected to the watch the tutorial videos that will be posted on the class website. After each tutorial, they are to try using what they learned by creating either replicating the designs or making their own. They are to also note what their experiences are with each step and video. They are encouraged to search for tutorials to learn for more advanced techniques.

The next day, we will form a group and present our designs by projecting them. Students will then talk about their experiences from watching the videos and using the program. Afterwards, they will get into their project groups to show to each other what the other didn't understand. I will be going around the room to help with any problems that are left unanswered. Once each group has their questions answered, they will begin to convert their hand drawn logo designs digitally using Adobe Illustrator. For homework, students are to continue digitizing their drawings and will need to complete at least three for the next day. Additional designs are welcomed in the sketching process as well.

Note: the video above is only one of the several that will be assigned.

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