Wednesday, September 19, 2012

District Website Evaluation

I first looked at several districts from each of the categories listed on the "District Factor Groups" page. It was interesting to look at the websites from two aspects: the first, in the design of the websites for each district in general; and two, the types of website functions available based on the socioeconomic division among the districts. I think that in his article, "Reasons for Websites," Dr. Jamie McKenzie makes a valid point that more complex website designs require more investments to keep them running.  In comparing the websites from the different categories, it is obvious to see the more complex functions in the higher categories; however, the categories do not necessarily dictate the efficiency in the designs and layouts of the websites.

I decided to choose Mountain Lakes School District's website because I felt that, although the school district is in the highest category, it has both complex website designs (i.e. search boxes, flash player, log-in feature, etc.)  and some simple ones (i.e. clickable links) that other school districts in the lower categories have as well. From a design point of view, Mountain Lakes School District's website is organized with text divided in sections by the boxes of colors and is easy to navigate. Besides the continuous changing of pictures and the scroll down menus at the top, I felt that the scroll window with the upcoming events is very efficient, not only in saving space, but following the events.

From an effective school website point of view and according to Dr. McKenzie's four primary goals of an effective school website, Mountain Lakes' has the following:

1) It has an introduction on the front page with the statistical opportunities they provide to all students. The mission statement is hidden in a further link under the "Our District" link. I think that the brief introduction that they have is sufficient enough in luring in parents and other viewers to the website. It would be a lot to soak in all the information in their mission statement on the front page of the website.

2) The website introduction hints that by going through their website, one can see what kind of school atmosphere the district has. One aspect is the colors used in the website.

3) Under the link, "Community Partners," is a list of several organizations that help the school, i.e. the support of visual and performance arts by FOTA (Friends of the Arts).

4) The main site does have data on the community and its history.

The front page of the district website has the calendar, schedules, lunch menus, and forms essential to parents and students. The scroll down menus are helpful in looking at what the link includes and affords viewers less mouse clicks and going backwards to navigate through the website. Overall, this website has the general information students and parents, especially, need in order to keep updates on what is going on in the schools and what kind of education their children are receiving.

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