Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Review: Ms. Han's Website

Looking at a few district websites last week, I noticed that there weren't many teachers that had their own website. One of the most beneficial aspect of Ms. Han's websites is the organization and categories of information on the front page. The information is not only easy to find, but very relevant to both students and parents who want to know what is being and will be taught each week. District websites should follow this example in organizing information. Recently, I needed to look up the superintendents of Montclair's network districts and found that some websites had easy access to the information while others took multiple links or no possible lead at all. By categorizing the information under a general link or "folder" as Ms. Han has done with each grade level, will make it easier for viewers to find what they are looking for as well as browsing through the website.

Another wonderful aspect of Ms. Han's website is that it shows the beneficial use of the Internet and technology. Similar to the district calendars, there is an interactive one near the bottom of the front page. Future tests/quizzes and homework are also listed and known ahead of time not only by the links but by the calendar as well. This allows parents and students know what is coming up and how much time they have for preparation. Fortunately, many district websites have at least a pdf calendar link on their sites. The more advance, or interactive, calendar allows the conservation of paper as well as the easy accessibility rather than the need to download documents. There is also the usage of the Quizlet application on the website that pertains to the lessons being taught. This helps students to not only visit the site for information, but to practice and improve their skills as well. District websites should have a tab with various sites or applications that students can visit to learn more. It is without saying that many district websites can follow and take Ms. Han's website as an excellent model in creating an informational and helpful tool by using her website.

1 comment:

  1. Nice observations. Hope your reviews of the different websites gives you some ideas for yours.
